Sleep X

Apparently we spend almost half of our life in bed. Yes this surprised me as well, and what also made me think, was that I was definitely not treating myself to the best version of half of my life that I could be! My mattress and bed linen was years old and my back and neck were never really that happy with it – so I woke up to myself (pardon the pun) and decided to up my sleeping arrangement!

I had seen lot’s of talk on foam mattresses and how they implement a better sleep and are fantastic for the spine- and I thought if half of my life is laying down – i’m going to give this a shot / and who doesn’t want to experience a mattress in a box ?! That’s right ! I found out that SleepX did same day delivery and it arrived in a box and just opens right up ready to be trialed and tested – So online I went and BOOM that afternoon I was the new owner of a foam mattress in a box!

So after it sprung open and I jumped around for a while like a 12 year old , I did a little more research as to why a foam mattress offers a better night sleep for the body;

Night one was seriously the most luxurious, comfortable undisturbed sleep ever. The great part about the foam is that if you share with a partner, when they move you can’t feel it – unlike a spring mattress where you wake up at every turn . WIN! I slept like a baby and I am never turning back!!

My neck pain started going away and I felt immediately that the foam hugged my spine in such a supportive way that I haven’t experienced much back pain at all (I have a spine fusion so I do get a lot of pain generally) . All in all I am absolutely stoked and pretty happy that this is where half of my life will be spent 🙂

So if you want to look as happy as I do above and have the best sleep of your life (well half of it) then click below ;


Sleep well guys 🙂

Much Love CB xx

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Sleep X

Apparently we spend almost half of our life in bed. Yes this surprised me



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Sleep X

Apparently we spend almost half of our life in bed. Yes this surprised me