Launching anything beauty related always brings with it beautiful people, flawless make up and generally a very good time ! In this case – one of the BEST views in Sydney and a night filled with the nicest (pinkest) beauty crew you could wish for .
Hacienda Sydney and Benefit Cosmetics came together for a night of beauty celebration for the Chloe Morello x Benefit Brow Wardrobe Set – filled with goodies to give one the most perfect of brows.
Cocktails were sipped and perfect brows were celebrated amongst a sea of incredible views and brow kits for days!

Gift bags were flying out the door faster than cocktails were being drunk and it was seriously a fabulous night and nobody left without knowing the way to style a brow . – and we were all eager to get home and try the kit for ourselves . The kit leaves nothing out and has a special touch for every brow – and it’s super easy to get your hands on one – for a celebratory $89 – 6 benefit brow products will be yours (until sold out!)
To grab your Chloe Morello Kit click and to browse all brow products click below :
Happy Shopping